Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why do I think that the Moon is a recent acquisition?

First. The Earth has six galaxies imprints and to have
the imprint the Earth need to not rotate on his own axle, just like Venus does now, obviously the Moon is the reason for the Earth axle rotation.

Second. Because when the Earth acquires the Moon, the
changes of environment caused the mutation of the Dinosaurs!

Third. Because after the acquisition the Earth continents started to shift toward the Equator and a proof of that there is the Saint Andrea fault, the creation of the Himalayan, the traveling of Australia and Africa.

Fourth. Because there are many uplift of land, and a proof of that
science have found marine fossil in top of mountains and
in top of a mountain called the Nevado Ampado which both are
on the Andes range!

Fifth. The finding of the frozen Mammoth, which science affirm
that cold so intense do not exist on the Earth so must have
happen when the Earth acquire the Moon!
The following pages you will find more clues of the discovery, which is called the Equilibrium theory.

At the beginning my discovery I called it the equilibrium theory, but later on realizing that it was not a theory, because it contains down-to-earth facts that are easily identifiable I called it the Infinitum, the facts that make my discovery not a theory, are the six imprint of our Galaxy, which due to the uplifting of the land took the marine fossil in what is now the mountain that before that kind of land was under the sea The finding of the frozen Mammoth that could only happening with the 273 centigrade below zero that exists in the sidereal space, all of that happens when the Earth acquired the Moon, and due to that started the shifting of the continents, and that is why in the Andes range exist the Macchu Picchu, and the Mummy of a man in top of a mountain called the Nevado Ampado, also the acquisition of the Moon is responsible for the rotation of the earth axle and the mutation of the Earth life and that is why the Dinosaurs disappear. The following pages would explain in detail all of this.
Since our ancestors evolved in Homo sapiens, his mind started to ask why, when, and who, about everything, also why he was so much better of his surrounding. The answer he gives to himself was that he was made by a God and on his image. That answer doesn’t convince anymore. However, his inquiring mind helps him to find out many questions. I too have the enquiring mind, and one day noticing that exist a similarity between Italy and New Zealand, I started to read scientific magazines, in doing so I found out, that exist another similarity, and that is between the Milky Way and the shape of the Earth continents.
That was the beginning of the discovery, and because the Universe is infinitum, I called this discovery INFINITUM.
Also because my discovery is based on the Galaxy imprints, I come to the realization that to have the Galaxy imprint the Earth needed to be without an axle rotation, for the magnetic force of the Galaxy to make imprints, so the Moon which is the reason for the axle rotation must have been a recent acquisition. It is obvious that on the previous status of the Earth, due that was like Venus always with one face toward the Sun was covered by a greenhouse effect, and did not have ice at the poles, and a confirmation of that, Antarctica previously did have vegetation. The most impelling questions today, is why our planet is getting wormer.
Some people say that is the human activity responsible for the worming up of the Earth.
Other say that the worming up is a recurrent phenomenal. The two suggestions are wrong; the worming up is because when the Earth acquires the Moon, during this action, before the Earth could stop the Moon, was forced to travel toward the Sun, at the North Pole entered the sidereal cold which is 273 centigrade below zero.
Then after the Earth stop the Moon, the Earth and the Moon where forced to find the today orbit, in doing so they started to travels away from the Sun so even the South Pole was covered by Ice due to the entering of the sidereal cold, and that was the beginning of the Ice age.
This action of going toward the Sun and away is responsible for the Moon to orbit around the Earth, just like the circle which go around the human who make an action similar, even today this action continuo, and is due to what position the Moon find itself towards the Sun. This is the reason why the two poles become covered by ice. Ever since the Poles have started to loose iceberg and will continuo to do so until all the Ice will be melted.
This action caused the seas to become colder and this will altered the climate and this will give more cold wether and more rain until all ice we be melted, then the planet will became wormer due that the two poles will be without ice.
A proof of that the Iceberg where in existence before the human activity and the Titanic did sink by one Iceberg. The proof of the entering of sidereal cold, science has found a Mammoth frozen with the meat still edible, science says that to freeze an animal that big, cold so intense do not exist on Earth. To sustain of this Theory; there are many facts that can prove that the Earth in the past was without the Moon. First, there exist the melting of the ice poles, which are due to the natural return to the previous situation, which was before the Earth acquires the Moon.

Second, exist a similarity between the Galaxy shape and the American continents.
Third, the similarity between Italy, New Zealand, even if one is left the other right. The reason for that is; that the Sun and the Earth on their travelling on the edge of the Galaxy see the shape of the Galaxy from above and from below, and that is why the imprints are left and right, including the remainder of the imprint which are New Zemlya, Japan, and the Antilles. This alternative view, obviously are responsible for the alternative shape of the Continents too, and the continents are; the oldest one is Antarctica=Australia=New Zealand.
The first two are joined together and are Russia, China, Indonesia, and Japan. Greenland, Sweden, Finland, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zemlya. Then the third Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand. The fourth Europe, Africa, and Italy. Fifth America, South, North, and Antilles. The sixth was the Mountain range under the Atlantic Ocean.

Fourth; the finding of the Mammoth frozen with the meat still edible, science affirm that to frozen a big animal like the Mammoth, cold so intense on the Earth do not exist. I say that only the sidereal cold of the Universe, which is 273 centigrade below zero, could do such thin, and that happened when the Earth acquire the Moon.

Fifth, the finding that Venus too has one Galaxy imprint, and that is because the imprint is similar of the American continents, and could only happen if the Galaxy is responsible of it.
Sixth, the finding of mummy at the summit of Nevado Ampado, which show that the Andes have being uplift, there also the uplift of the city of Macchu Picchu, which is located in the Andes too. This kind of phenomenon did not happen long time ago, due to the finding of the mummy.

Seventh, The acquisition of the Moon happened at the last passage of the Solar system, to the horizontal plane of our Galaxy, and that ended the formation of the Galaxy imprint due to the acquisition of the axle rotation by the Earth, which was the consequence of the acquisition of the Moon.
The six Galactic imprints are; Greenland, Siberia, and New Zemlya, Russia, China, Indonesia, and Japan, Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand, Europe, Africa, and Italy, America North and South and Antilles, the Mountains Range under the Atlantic Ocean.
About the imprint of Europe Africa and Italy while reading Nostradamus and his prophecy by Edgar Leoni I find that the map of Claudius Ptolemy drawn in the years A.D. 100 show the two continents where together, also the map of a Catalan, drawn in the years 1375 show that the strait of Gibraltar did not exist. Furthermore the map of Pierre Deceliers drawn in the years 1545, show that the two continents where together. Finally, in the years 1666 Louis XIV wanted to dig a canal to join the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

The reason for all the mass extermination, is that at the end of each Galaxy imprints, the Earth was forced to find a new equilibrium, and due that each imprint unbalance the Earth, the Earth every time was forced to find a new equilibrium, and doing that the new imprint started in a different place. This search of new equilibrium by the Earth created; earthquake and Tsunami, which we know that, would bring devastation on the Earth environment. However, at the end of the first and second Galaxy imprint because life did not existed on Earth, was not Mass extermination. However, at the end of the third Imprint, because the simple life has started on the Earth, there was the first mass extermination with70percentage of algae life, this extermination is knows as Era Precambrian. Then at the fourth end of the Galaxy imprint a mass extermination of 50% of animal and trilobite, knows as Era Palaeozoic. Then at the end of the fifth imprint was the extermination of 30% animal and Fish was the end for all trilobites, Era Mesozoic. At the end of the sixth, imprint Era Cenozoic a Mass extinctions of 70% to all form of life. Soon after that was the acquisition of the Moon and with that, the end of the Galaxy imprints, due to the continuos changing of the point of attraction by the Earth acquired rotation. In addition due to the following acquisition of the Moon, was the beginning of mutation for the remaining life, and the Dinosaurs who where Ovipary mutate to Mammals. The mutation is a natural phenomenon, and can still happen today. It does inside every mothers of the specie, during pregnancy, If happen a change of environment, as an example using drugs, or by any other unnatural way. That is why, we have many different races, the reason for that, is that humanity did have dissimilar environment since the beginning, and still does it is now.
The picture below shows the differences between races.
However, this theory is in contraposition with the one of the scientists, which all agree on the theory that the Universe started with a Big Bang.
I do not agree with that, because to have a Big Bang require a Universe to be contained in some kind of space, and that kind of space to be contained in one other space and so on at infinitum
It is logic instead that the Universe is infinitum, and for that reason it is impossible for all elements to come together, being the elements infinitum.
From Albert Einstein the theory of Relativity, in which the force of gravity bend the Universe.
That is why from some part of the Universal space, there is some signal but not object. That brings the Stephen Hawkins theory of the Black Hole, in which the force of gravity is so intense that not even the light can escape, however some radio signal does and that is illogical because the light travel much faster, so it much more difficult to stop the light then the then radio signal.
In addition I do not agree with those theory, because as soon a mass become as bigger as a Star the force of gravity start a nuclear reaction, and that stops the gathering of elements.
Finally, there is the theory of the Pangea, which claims that all the continents where at the beginning together and started to separate since then.
It is not true, because the Earth should have being unbalanced sphere, to have all the continents together, and that is not feasible in any planets, which are all balanced sphere.
Instead it is true the contrary, the continents are coming together, Africa is going toward Europe, India toward Asia, and the existing shifting of the Saint Andrea fault show the shifting of the South America continent, toward the North America, and this kind of shifting uplifted the Andes Mountains ranges, together with the city of Macchu Picchu.
Before the acquisition of the Moon, the continents were more or less in a similar formation as the picture in the next page.

This kind of shifting of the continents, are due to the acquisition of the Moon, and due to that the Earth starting to rotate on his axis, and doing so did acquire the Centrifugal and Centripetal force, which are responsible for the shift of the Galaxy imprints, and for keeping the Earth axis position.
So instead of a creation, or a Big Bang, It make more sense that the Universe always existed and will always exist, and for that reason cannot exist; creation, beginning, or end, only evolution and mutation.
Due that, the Universe is composed by Atoms, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and Quarks.
The ratio combination, of those elements, is responsible for the formation of all the elements, and all life, and then mutation, evolution and decay do the rest.
During the composition of the elements, one of these elements was Magnet, that element started the formation of masses, and when a mass did become big enough, the force of Gravity due to the enormous pressure to the elements, started nuclear reactions, this way was the creation of all Stars. Once the Star was created, the nuclear energy “Solar wind” created a zone of Equilibrium between attraction and repulsion, of elements and masses. This zone of equilibrium can be seen in the picture in next page, when the comet Kohoutek come toward the Sun and the tail of the comet is forced by the Sun zone of equilibrium, to point always away from the Sun.
The Star just like any mass has two hemispheres, and the one which will be stronger, will force the star to travel toward the weaker hemisphere, in this travelling in the Universe the Star joining other Stars, which travel in the same direction, where able to form a Galaxy, and obviously other star travelling in different direction formed other Galaxies.
At the same time the Stars due to the uneven nuclear force at the equator are forced to rotate on theirs own axis, and due to that where acquiring Centripetal and Centrifugal force.
Furthermore, in the acquired zone of Equilibrium, all the masses that did not become bigger enough to begin stars find the proper Orbit, and start to travel around the Star system of which they belong, on the Solar system; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, plus all the satellites comets and meteorites.
However, as unlimited the Universe is. A powerful the Stars are. With time, due to natural Decay the zone of Equilibrium, which the Stars have created, will succeed and the Star magnetism will restart to attract the elements. If a Star has a system of Planets, will engulf them and if and if or when will reach sufficient elements, will restart another nuclear reaction, and with that a new zone of Equilibrium. Then travelling in the Universe if find smaller masses or mass will force them to become Planets, restarting another star system.
Therefore, Evolution, Mutation and the Decay, will always be responsible for everything that happen and exist in the Universe.
One example of it is when two Star who rotate around each other, which are called Binary Star, when Decay will happen, the status quo of equilibrium will broken the two star will attract each other and colliding they will create a Supernovae. The picture below could signify a Supernova.
As I have mention our Galaxy resemble the shape of the two Americas, also exist the similarity between Italy, New Zealand, New Zemlya, Japan, And Antilles, and the similarity between the six galaxy imprints, namely; the first two because them blend together Russia, China, Indonesia, Greenland, Sweden, Finland, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zemlya, and Japan. The remain imprints are Australia-Antarctica and New Zealand, Europe-Africa and Italy, America North and South with the Antilles, and the last which did not terminate because at that time the Sun acquired Venus and that imprints remain under the Atlantic Ocean.
The reason for all that, is that when the Earth at the beginning of the partnership of the Solar system, did not have the Moon as Satellite, and for that reason was not rotating on his axis, and was having one face toward the Sun, the other toward the Galaxy, and due to that was receiving the Magnetic imprint of the shape of the Galaxy, and because the Galaxy horizontal is not 90 degree to the vertical plane, and the Solar system is at the edge of the Galaxy, at each circumvolution around the center of the Galaxy, because would pass from above to under the horizontal plane of the Galaxy, the Solar system was forced to change polarity from positive to negative, so would receive two imprint one right the other left at each circumvolution of the Galaxy. That is why Italy, New Zealand, New Zemlya, Japan, and the Antilles are some right other left, as you can see from the pictures, and so the Galaxy imprints mentioned.
At the same time because the Earth was having one face toward the Sun, the intensity of the Sun rays created a Greenhouse effect, and on the Earth all form of life grown up bigger, and that is why the Dinosaurs where so enormous. Some scientist claim that the Dinosaurs where eliminate by the impact of a meteorite, this because on the surface of the Earth are a few crater which appear to be caused by a meteorite however not all craters are due to impact as a proof of that there are the Moeraki boulders of New Zealand, and by the Archaeologist Matthew Stirling in December 1967 in Sierra de Amega, fifty miles west of Guadalajara,
The picture at the next page show the boulders which are similar to the face of the Moon, and that put a question mark to all the crater on the Moon and on the Earth, and to all other Planets, obviously when the planets are just like Mercury and Venus, with one face toward the Sun their surface are very hot and the interior can act just like the lava of the Earth did on creating the Boulders Moeraki, this do not eliminate completely any impact that can happen on any mass just that not all craters are due to impact, as show in the picture.
Some other scientist, say that the Dinosaurs did not disappear all at once, but it took many centuries for their disappearances, obviously due to mutation.
All life at that time including the Dinosaurs where Ovipary and Ovipary mean that they where depositing egg on the ground, just like many animal still doing today, the difference was then that existed the greenhouse effect, and on that kind of environment it was safe to do that because the temperature was constant, and the eggs where able to hutch in the ground, however after the acquisition of the Moon, that kind of environment did not existed anymore, because the night become cooler and the mutation where forced, to some Ovipary who become Mammals, others where able to continuo to depositing eggs, but some where able to cover them with their body like chicken, birds, and penguins, and etcetera. Other to cover the eggs with sand, like the tortoises other to cover with vegetable branches like crocodiles, which are the one who did not mutate very much.
However this kind of happening started the beginning of mammals, consequently the beginning of the Hominoids, and we could be the relatives of them and they are our ancestors
Unless the population of the Planet Htrae did come on the Earth and made some experiments with the Earth animal, implanting the D.N.A of themselves and the Earth population is the result of that, in that case our relatives are both the animal of the Earth and the people of Htrae.

No wonder why the human are so cruel. However the mutation was not all the same some did go and live in the sea like Wales, Killer Wales, Dolphins, Dugong, Seal, and Sea lions, etcetera, others stop flying like Emus, Ostrich, Dodo, Cassuari, etcetera.
Others still survive today like the Mammoth who mutate to Elephants.
The Crocodiles, which did not mutate, probably is the only one, which did not.
Then they’re are; Tigers, Lions, and many other, which mutate a bit.
It is obvious that everything that live on the Earth are made by the Earth elements, and by the environment of the Earth, it is logical that we all have some similar quality, and such as the human body is compost by 24 elements, such as 65% Oxygen 9,5% of Hydrogen, those two form the 40% pf our body the remaining elements are 18.5% Carbon, 3.2% of Nitrogen, 1.5% of Calcium, 1% of Phosphorus, 0.4% of Potassium, 0.3% of Sulfur, 0.2% of Sodium, 0.2% of Chlorine, 0.1% of Magnesium, other are Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Fluorine, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Tin, and Vanadium.
Obviously all the other Mammals have more or less the same kind of elements, and all who live in it need air and the component of air is oxygen which constitutes 50% of the Atmosphere, furthermore it is essential that we have water, and if a body go under 20% of water death occur.
However with all this quality of elements, which composed the body, equality does not exist, as a proof of that each life has different D.N.A.
Furthermore equality do not exist not even in ourselves, because from the day we are born to the day that we die due to a natural death, we change many times due to environments, choices, and disaster.
If we look at our ancestors, at the time of the cave man we can see that they act like any other animal, and that mean that they where forced to kill or to be killed, even today human kill for survival and that is to all domesticated animal and undomesticated like Wales, Tuna, Birds, etc.
Going back to the last inversion of polarity, due that the Solar system passed from above to below the Galaxy horizontal plane, the change of polarity forced the Moon, that perhaps belong to Mars before, to come loose and traveling toward the Sun, trying to find an Orbit similar of the one of Mercury, being more or less similar in size, coming closer to the Earth was capture.
At the same time the Moon started to rotate around the Earth. And the Earth to rotate on his axis, and doing so acquired the Centrifugal and Centripetal forces, just like the Sun, and with that started the shift of the continents, and at the same time stopped the Galaxy imprint due to the continuous change of the Earth points of attraction to the magnetic force of the Galaxy.
Ever since both poles have started to loose Iceberg, and that will continuo to do so until the two poles will return free of ice. So the level of the Sea will rise and the Sea will cover a lot of ground, which is at low level, and with that many beautiful houses will be lost to the Sea, and even more important a lot of productive ground too, so humanity must do a lot of preparation for it.
This phenomenon has nothing to do with the warming of the Planet Earth, done by the Human.
But is the natural way, for the Earth to loose the Ice at the two poles, because since the acquisition of the Moon the sidereal cold do not enter anymore, so slowly but surely the level of the ocean will increase, and Polo North and Antarctica will be free of the Ice, and in Antarctica the human race can settle down, obviously the temperature and the day are different, then any other part of the planet, so too will be the Artic Ocean with Greenland, Alaska, North Canada, North Russia, North Sweden, north Finland, New Zemlya, Baffin Island, Ellesmere Island, Victoria Island and many other small Islands some will be free of ice, other could be submerged by the increasing level of the Oceans.
Another thing that Humanity must be prepared for is at the next inversion of magnetism the Earth will lose the Moon and with that the Sun will go back at the time of the past, as predicted by Nostradamus in the quatrain 48 when he predicted after 7000 years of the reign of the Moon another will and the Sun will return at the time of the past, and because he predicted that in the years 1560, that mean that his prediction will be happening in the years 8560 D.C and that correspond with time when the Solar system will pass from above to under the horizontal Galactic plane and with that the change of the polarity which will effect all members of the Solar systems, so humanity have another 6553 years left to prepare for the change, that will occur.
A part of loosing the Moon, there is the dissolving of the Polar Ice, and due to that most of the land which is situated just above the level of the Seas will be inundate, and a part of loosing most of the city and houses that are near the Sea, a lot of cultivatable land will be lost too, and it is obvious that will cause death to many people and animal, the consequences of that, if humanity don’t take the proper steps, will be catastrophic, so humanity must build city above the new level of the Sea, install a lot of provision which must be sufficient until the new crop will be available, from the new Garden, and animal farms.
So Humanity will need to have a place where can grow vegetable, and meat without the help of the Sun.
In addition, a habitation ups high, a repair of the raising sea.
Finally the changes that the loosing of the Moon, and of the stopping of rotation will bring, a new mutation to the Earth life, including of the one of the humans, just like when the Earth acquire the Moon and the then the existing life was forced to mutate from Oviparous to mammals.

Therefore, Earth in the past, did not have the Moon, and did have six galaxy imprints.
At the first Galactic imprint which was Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand, because life was not present on Earth, there where no mass extinction, neither at the second Galaxy imprint, but Greenland, Siberia, and New Zemlya, but at the time of the third imprint Europe, Africa, and Italy, life was present, and the first mass extinction did occur. The Palaeontologist called it Era Precambrian, at the fourth China, Indonesia, and Japan, the second mass extinction Era Palaeozoic, at the fifth South, North, America, and Antilles, Era Mesozoic, then at the sixth the Undersea Atlantic Mountains, Era Cenozoic.
After that the acquisition of the Moon stopped the Galaxy imprint, and the Earth life due to the new ambient mutate and the Oviparous to Mammals, and the first Hominid species appear.
Homo Aphaeresis, Homo Africanus, Homo Robustious, Homo Ramapiteco, Homo Boisei, Homo Habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Homo Archaic, Homo Neanderthal, Homo Modern.
This evolution will end unless we do something about the future change of the Earth environments. Like has been predicted by Nostradamus, in the prediction made in the years 1560, and he say after 7000 years of the reign of the Moon the Sun will go back at the time of the past, and that mean that in the years 8050 D.C. Therefore, we have approximately 6553 years to prepare for the event. Nobody knows what Nostradamus meant, at the time, which he made any predictions; the research in this book makes sense of the above prediction.
Because at the next passage from above to under to the inclined plane of the Galaxy, the Solar system, will be affected by the change of polarity, and due to that the Earth Moon, the first who will be receiving the opposite magnetic impulse would be expelled from the other,
That is what did happen at the last passage of the Galaxy horizontal plane, when probably the Moon was a satellite of Mars. That would explain the vary mystery of the planet Mars,
The mutation of the Dinosaurs did have found a confirmation, due to a British Palaeontologist Angela Milner, of the National Museum, who did found that the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the modern chicken have in common collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and bone structure.
Also the marine fossil found in top of the Himalayas, show that before the Himalayas land was under the Ocean, before the uplifting of the continent.
Furthermore, a New Zealand Geological survey, done by Dr Williams K, Nairn, and Dr. I. A. Gregg, who have found that the lava rock of a New Zealand volcano, which was dated to be 3 billion years old, due to the dating with the Potassium Argon, when instead the volcano erupted only 50 years previously.
This kind of mistake, make me think that the dating, done by the system Potassium Argon or Radio Carbon are not reliable, probably because are dated by the decay of the mentioned elements which for the Radio Carbon, the decay to be half after 5.730 years, so to reach millions of years take a lot of guessing,
So I make too one estimation, which due to the last reverse of the Earth magnetic field, which was estimated to be approximately 30.000 to 50.000 years ago, which obviously must have happen at the last passage from above to under the horizontal plane of our Galaxy, done by the Solar system, I can estimate that the time Earth Moon partnership, was approximately at the same time, 50.000 years ago, and because the Earth did undergo six Galaxy imprints, the Earth Sun partnership to be approximately 300.000 years.
Because the next passage of the Solar system, to the horizontal Galaxy plane, will be approximately in the years 8.050 D.C. we have approximately 6.043 years.
In addiction if we can survive the next Galactic event, the after life will benefit too because without us there will be no reincarnation or spirit guide. and with that the Earth will loose the Moon, this happening will slow down the Earth axis rotation, until finally will stop.
Then the Sun will go back at the time of the past as suggested by Nostradamus.
This change first the Sun will burn all vegetation, at the same time will evaporate a lot of water creating a greenhouse effect, all of this will start the most devastating mass extermination on the history of the Earth.
Humanity must prepare itself for the change that will take place.
Should build cities above level ground, at the same time have a lot of food in reserve, and prepare gardens up high, and in a way to grow food without the help from the Sun.
This change of environments will cause mutation inside every female of the species.
A mutation is evident even today when mothers are using some kind of drugs.
So at the next passage of the Solar system, from above to under of the horizontal Galaxy plane, due to the change of the magnetic field, this change of polarity will repels to the planets with satellite the one which change first the magnetic field.
Mercury being repulsed by the Sun will start to travel towards Venus, which could catch it.
The Earth loosing the Moon, probably Venus could catch it.
The Earth if lucky and Mercury is not capture by Venus could be the next Earth satellite, or maybe the Earth could catch one satellite that Mars will loose, or could catch one from the other external Planets such; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Them external planets obviously will loose and catch others.
If the Earth after losing the Moon could catch another satellite could restart, the process of when did catch the Moon and that is to restarting the Ice age.
To trying to prevent the disaster of loosing the Moon, Humanity should build a manmade magnetic satellite to replace the Moon, better still to build a magnetic station on the Moon to counteract the change of the magnetic field, and if humanity can do that could become able, to control the season, the day and the years.
Another possibility that exist is, maybe on the other side of the Sun, exist another Planet, which has a year just as the Earth, and travel around the Sun in a year of 365 days like the Earth, and is why from Earth can never being see.
If that planet exists should be called Htrae, which is the word Earth written on reverse.
Also if that planet exist, would explain the mystery of the Nazca designs, because the people of that planet where able to come on the Earth, when the Earth was without the Moon, and the orbit of the Earth was closer to the one of Htrae.
At that, time the people of Htrae where able to come on the Earth and make experiments with the Earth life, and we could be the descended of them.
If that is true could be the reason why the viewing of the flying saucer are keep secret, obviously because some extraterrestrial are already here and are controlling us.
In addition, that could explain the picture of a astronaut in the temple of the Nazca as show in the documentary the Chariots of the Gods. The pictures below, symbolize the planet Htrae.

It is obvious that, if that Planet exists the inhabitant have come to the Earth in the past.
Also because, we are the descended of the experiments made by them with the insemination of they sperm and the original Earth life they are similar to us and could even being now among us, and somehow control our civilization?
Probably this is why my discovery which I send to vary University and to the national geographic did not receive any response, positive or negative
The picture below shows some of the mysterious designs, at the Nazca and Cuzco.

Now to find when the Earth and the Moon become members of the Solar system.
First, we must find the velocity of which the Earth travels around the Sun, plus the velocity in which the Earth spin around his axis.
To do that, we must find out the distance, of the Earth to the Sun.
In one Encyclopaedia, it is written that the distance is approximately 150.000.000 Km, which multiplying it by two will give the diameter of the circumference, which would be 300.000.000 Km. To that we must add the size of the Sun diameter, which is 1.400.000 Km.
Therefore, the diameter will be of 301.400.000 Km,
Then multiplying 301.400.000 by the ratio of 3.14, which is the ratio to find circumferences of any circle, we will have the Km of the Earth circumferences around the Sun, which is approximately 946.396.000 Km.
Then dividing that, by the hours that the Earth takes to made one circumvolution around the Sun, which are 8.772 hours due to the leap year, the Earth velocity around the Sun is approximately 107.855 Km per hour. Finally because the Earth and the Moon have one undulating orbit, due to the position that the two have towards the Sun, I would say that the final velocity of the Earth to be approximately of 110.000 Km per hour.
Now to find out at the velocity of the axel spin, we need to divide the 40.000 Km of the equator which is the size of the Earth, by the 24 hours that the Earth take, to come back to the same spot.
Therefore, the Earth spins at ground level at approximately 1.800 Km per hour,
That is the velocity in which the Earth spins on his axel at ground level.
The next thing we must find is the velocity of the Earth atmosphere.
To do that we must divide the circumference of the Earth, which is 40.000 Km by the radio of 3.14 and with that we will find the diameter of the Earth, which is approximately 1270 Km then dividing it by two, we will find the Earth radius, which is approximately 6.250 Km.
Then dividing it by the 1.800 Km of the Earth velocity spin, we will find the radio of increase of the velocity spin, which would be of approximately 0.3 Km per kilometre.
So knowing that the stratosphere reach up to 1.600 Km high, multiplying 1600 by 0.3 that will give as the velocity of the upper stratosphere at 2.280 Km per Hours, and because above that exist the Van Allen belt, I will estimate that the Van Allen belt spin at approximately 3.780 Km per hour.
This velocity of the Earth, bring a new question, and that is why does travel that fast.
The logical response must be that is related to the velocity of the Moon because they attract each other.
For that reason I am going to found out the velocity on which the Moon travel around the Earth.
To do that, we must find the distance that the Moon is from the Earth.
That is approximately 384.000 Km then multiply it by two, we will have the diameter of the Moon orbit, which is 768.000 Km, then multiply it by 3,14 we will have the circumference of the Moon orbit, which is approximately 2.411.520 Km.
Then dividing 2.411.520 by the time that the Moon needed to make one circumvolution, which is approximately 29,53 days, better still 708 hours, we will have the velocity on which the Moon travel which is approximately 3.713 Km per hours. Due of the two similar velocities, must be obvious that there is a connection between the velocity of the Earth and the Moon.
It is also logical, that the Earth and the Moon, being members of the Solar system, must be controlled by the force of the Sun.
Therefore, the Sun must act just likes do the motor of a car, which with help of a differential make one wheel to turn on a spot, and the other to turn around the other wheel, so the Earth is one wheel, and rotate around his axel, and the Moon the other wheel to travel around the Earth.
Furthermore all the planet without satellite do not rotate on their axis, the reason why the scientist affirm that they do is because using the Hubble telescope which is outside the Earth it can see all faces of Mercury in 88 days and the one of Venus in 225 days. The same thing we could see the faces of the Moon if we put one telescope outside the orbit of the Moon then we could see all faces of the Moon in 29.53 days.
Now knowing the velocity of the Earth stratosphere, and the temperature of it, when the hot air rise from the equator reaching the stratosphere, because the cold stratosphere descend and the hot air ascend, it is logical that a vortex will be formed, and coming down to the ground will make all the devastation of the hurricane.
Furthermore, knowing the Velocity of the Earth spin, which is at approximately 3.780 Km per hour. A space vehicle on re-entry when has reached the same velocity, should approach the upper strati in the same direction of the Earth spin, so the re-entry will be safe because, would have avoid the combine velocity of the space vehicle and the one of the Earth spin.

The landing of the American on the Moon, has sparkle some questions about the veracity of that landing the question being it is true or not.
To me looking at the Earth, on the picture taken from the Moon, the size do not correspond to other picture taken by a space vehicle that only go closer to the Moon, as the two picture below will show the difference, of the size of the Earth.
The question mark, is at least of the picture of the landing, maybe the American because they where loosing the race to the Moon where forced to lay. Alternatively, they did land but did not want to show the real picture.
The picture of the Earth, on the left, is made in May 1969, by the Astronaut of the space vehicle Apollo 10, and the size of the Earth, is how should be, bigger that how we see the Moon from the Earth. The one on the right is the one which the American say, was taken from the space vehicle which landed on the Moon, it is obvious that that kind of Earth is just as big as the Moon, see from the Earth, which instead should be like the one taken by Apollo 10, as show in the picture next page.
Because of that, this put a question mark to the landing on the Moon by the American.

Piero Papini Settepani Australia NSW 2487
U6/17 Murphy Road Kingscliff
Telephone 0266744118 Mobile 0447303597

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